Friday, August 31, 2012

Technology in the Classroom

I believer that people learn differently. For some, they learn better through lecture, others learn through reading, others learn audibly, and so on. However, the one conclusion I have drawn about learning is that it should be engaging and interactive. No matter what someone's preference is, they will gain a better understanding through a hands-on experience. I found this article regarding technology in the classroom to be specifically interesting because technology has always been somewhat of an unknown for me. I have had teachers who used technology for the sake of using technology and not really providing any purpose. This has always frustrated me because I don't really believe in change for the sake of change, especially in learning. I believe that learning is purposeful and the way material is presented should be purposeful as well. That said, I really appreciate the way the article addressed using technology as a tool to dive deeper into material. It suggests introducing technology into the classroom so that students can do more. This means that they will be gaining a deeper understanding as a result of the technology rather than learning the same material just with technology added to it. The article presents the benefits and ways in which to use technology effectively, which in my own experience, is rarely done.

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